Friday, February 21, 2020

Comcast Executive Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comcast Executive Summary - Essay Example The business is incorporated as a publicly traded company registered in the NASDAQ under the symbols CMCSA and CMCSK. As of November 30, 2009 the value of the firm’s CMCSA stock was priced at $14.66. Brian L. Roberts is the current chief executive officer in charge of Comcast Corporation. There are several Cable Networks that belong to Comcast. Four of those networks are TV One, G4, the Style Network, and E! Entertainment Television. During fiscal year 2008 Comcast achieved yearly revenues of $34,256 and a net income of $2,547. The net profit margin for 2008 was 7.44%. At the end of 2008 the business had accumulated total assets of $113,017 with a healthy debt to equity ratio of 0.64. Due to the growing competition from satellite companies Comcast must invest its advertising money well to get the maximum impact. There are future opportunities for the company to achieve higher market share and penetrate growing segments of the communication marketplace such as VOIP and G4 mobil e internet connectivity. Along with the analysis of Comcast Corporation another topic that will be covered in this paper is the future outlook for graduates in the telecommunication

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